Police Commission
The Police Commission appoints and removes the Police Chief and oversees matters relating to the goals and aims of the Police Department. It reviews the annual budget prepared by the Chief and may make recommendations thereon to the Mayor. It also receives, considers and investigates charges brought by the public against the conduct of the Department or any of its members.
The Police Commission consists of seven at-large members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council to staggered three year terms.
For more information about the duties and responsibilities of the Police Commission, please refer to Article XI, Section 11.3. Kauai County Charter.
Meeting Time/Location: 9:00am, Meeting Room 2A/2B, 4th Friday of each month
For more information on upcoming meetings, please refer to the calendar on the Boards and Commissions home page.
Howard Leslie, Chair
Walton Hong, Vice Chair
Merrilee "Mia" Ako, Commissioner
John Calma, Commissioner
Mary K. Hertog, Commissioner
Lisa Knutson, Commissioner
Laurie Yoshida, Commissioner
2024-01-26 Minutes Approved.pdf(PDF, 361KB)
2024-02-23-Minutes Approved.pdf(PDF, 360KB)
2024-03-22-Minutes Approved.pdf(PDF, 270KB)
2024-(PDF, 262KB)04-26-Minutes Approved(PDF, 262KB)
2024-05-24 Minutes Approved(PDF, 344KB)
2024-06-28 Minutes Approved(PDF, 312KB)
2024-07-26 Minutes Approved(PDF, 330KB)
2024-08-23-Minutes Approved(PDF, 355KB)
2024-09-27-Minutes-Approved(PDF, 355KB)
2024-10-25-Minutes-Approved(PDF, 369KB)
2024-11-22-Minutes-Approved(PDF, 256KB)
Browse & search archived Police Commission documents, including agendas, meeting minutes, and more
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The documents on this webpage are being provided as a courtesy and a public service by the County of Kauaʻi. Users should confirm the accuracy with the official copy available at the Office of Boards and Commissions. While the County of Kauaʻi will strive to keep the information accurate and up-to-date, those people needing an official, accurate and up-to-date copy of documents on this webpage should obtain a hard copy from the Office of Boards and Commissions.
Contact Information
Kauai Police Commission
c/o Office of Boards & Commissions
4444 Rice Street, Suite 300
Lihue, HI 96766
Phone: (808) 241-4920
Email: mromo@kauai.gov