Public Access, Open Space, Natural Resources Preserv. Fund Commission

The Public Access, Open Space, Natural Resources Preservation Fund Commission recommends a biennial list of lands or other property entitlement to be acquired for conservation purposes.  These purposes include public outdoor recreation and education, access to beaches and mountains; preservation of historic or culturally important land areas and sites; protection of significant habitats or ecosystems, including buffer zones; preserving forests, beaches, coastal areas, and agricultural lands; protecting watershed lands to preserve water quality and water supply; conserving land in order to reduce erosion, floods, landslides, and runoff; improving public access to, and enjoyment of, public land, and open space; acquiring public access to public land, and open space; conserving land for open space and scenic values; and improving public pedestrian access to coastal areas.

The Commission consists of nine members.  Four members are appointed by the Mayor including individuals from the following areas: Waimea – Kekaha; Līhu‘e – Hanamā‘ulu; Kapa‘a – Wailua; and one at-large.  Four members are appointed by the County Council including individuals from the following areas:  Hanapēpē – ‘Ele‘ele; Kōloa – Po‘ipū – Kalāheo; Anahola to Hā‘ena and one at-large.  One member is appointed by the Commission.  All members serve staggered three year terms.     

For more information about the duties and responsibilities of the Commission, please refer to Kaua'i County Code, Section 6-14.2.

Meeting Time/Location: 1:00pm, Meeting Room 2A/2B, 2nd Thursday of each month

For more information on upcoming meetings, please refer to the calendar on the Boards and Commissions home page.


Current Projects: Hanapēpē Parcel Acquisitions

Hanapēpē Parcel Acquisitions (TMKs: 1-8-008:065 & 1-8-008:071)

The Public Access, Open Space, Natural Resources Preservation Fund Commission has recommended the acquisition of two parcels in Hanapēpē Town. These parcels are closely associated with the historic battle known as the Hanapēpē Massacre of 1924. These parcels are located at the intersection of Hanapēpē and Kaumuali'i Highway on Moi Road.


The County Council is currently reviewing two bills to allocate funds from the Public Access, Open Space, Natural Resources Preservation Fund for the acquisition of two parcels of land.

Key Dates:

  • July 10, 2024: Council Meeting
  • July 24, 2024: Council Meeting

We encourage all interested parties to attend these meetings and provide their input on this important initiative to commemorate the historic Hanapēpē Massacre event at this site. Your participation is essential to the successful preservation and enhancement of this significant historical and cultural landmark.

Learn more about the Hanapēpē Massacre by clicking here to view the Story Map



  • Shaylyn Ornellas, Chair
  • Robin Pratt, Vice Chair
  • Manuel Cabral
  • Taryn Dizon
  • William Kinney
  • Jonathan Lucas
  • Mark Ono
  • Mai Shintani

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