Tax Rates

2024 Tax Rates

Tax Year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Per $1,000.00 Net Assessed Valuation Tax Rate


$ 2.59

Non-Owner-Occupied Residential

Tier 1 - portion of taxable value less than or equal to $1,300,000

Tier 2 - portion of taxable value more than $1,300,000 and up to and including $2,000,000

Tier 3 - portion of taxable value exceeding $2,000,000


$ 5.45 

$ 6.05 

$ 9.40

Vacation Rental

Tier 1 - portion of taxable value less than or equal to $1,000,000

Tier 2 - portion of taxable value more than $1,000,000 and up to and including $2,500,000

Tier 3 - portion of taxable value exceeding $2,500,000


$ 11.30 

$ 11.75 

$ 12.20

Hotel and Resort



$ 8.10


$ 8.10


$ 6.75


$ 6.75

 Owner-Occupied Mixed-Use

 $ 5.05