OED Permits


Welcome to the Office of Economic Development Permitting Page.  We provide permits for the following:

Kauai Film Permit - Required for any filming that will be used in a commercial nature that will take place on all County of Kauai owned properties, including county owned beach parks, county owned sidewalks and any county owned lookouts.  For more information, please go to our website at www.filmkauai.com

Commercial filming and photography on State Owned properties including all Kauai beaches, State Parks, State Trails and State Harbors, you will need a State Film Permit issued by the State Film Office.  Information on Wedding and Elopement Photography requirements can be found here.  Please contact the State Film Office directly for any questions you may have relating to your project.  Please call 808-586-2570.  

Commercial Filming and photography on Privately owned properties do not require a permit at this time.

Revocable Permit for vending in a County Right of Way.  All vending engaged within any County right-of-way must have a revocable permit pursuant to Kauai County Code Chapter 20, Article 5, unless the commercial activities are authorized or controlled by concession, contract or are part of a County-sponsored program other than those described in this chapter or are exempt under Kauai County Code.  Please go here for more information and requirements.