
The Department of Parks & Recreation (DOPR) provides quality recreational and leisure time experiences for residents and visitors of the County of Kaua‘i.

Current COVID Guidelines

While COVID restrictions related to gathering size and vaccination/testing requirements have been lifted, permittees are highly encouraged to follow safety protocols during their event.

Here is the current status regarding Permits issued for the following County pavilions:

Group A pavilions are available for permitting through our online application portal. Applications are taken up to 180 days ahead of the event until 15 days prior. Permit staff will follow up with all Group A pavilion applications.

Group A

‘Anini #3 (North)

‘Anini #1 (Ramp)

‘Anini #2 (Park)

Hanamā‘ulu Beach Park

Lydgate (Large)

Lydgate (Small)


Po‘ipū Beach Park (Main)

Salt Pond #1 (Main)

Salt Pond #2 (Middle)

Salt Pond #3 (End)

Wailua Houselots

Group B & C pavilions are also available for permitting through our online application portal. At this time, special requests (gate access, amusement rides, extended tents, etc.) are not allowed. The pavilions in these groups are associated with a nearby sports field or a pavilion whose use must be coordinated. Therefore, applications for Group B & C pavilions are only taken up to 30 days ahead of the event until 15 days prior. Recreation staff will follow up with all Group B & C pavilion applications.

Group B & C

Bryan J. Baptiste Sports Complex (BJB)

‘Ele‘ele Park



Kapa‘a NC

Kaumakani Ball Field

Kekaha #1

Kekaha #2

Kekaha Gardens

Kōloa (Knudsen)

Lucy Wright

Peter Rayno

Puhi Park

Waimea Athletic

Any other pavilions not listed here are open on a first-come, first-served basis.

Pavilion Guidelines

  • No grace periods. Failure to be at the site by the start time stated on the permit will result in a forfeiture of the permit.
  • Effective January 1, 2021, the County implemented a Policy Prohibiting Disposable Plastics at County Facilities. Facility users shall no longer use bottled water, plastic straws, plastic cutlery, plastic stirrers, plastic food service containers, and plastic bags at County facilities. A list of acceptable alternatives and other supporting information can be found at Compostable Containers.
  • DOPR does NOT provide storage or any amenities such as portable toilets, sound systems, stages, tables, chairs, tents, canopies, fencing, barricades, or other equipment.
  • Outlets in the pavilions are only rated at 20 amps. Maintenance personnel will not come out to reset breakers if they trip due to an overload.
  • Permit holder is responsible for any damage, including the repair or replacement, to the structure or surrounding area, as well as any trash generated by their event.
  • Unless expressly provided in a permit:
    • All motorized vehicles are prohibited on park property, except on park roads and parkways designated for public transportation. This prohibition shall not apply to the use of motorized wheelchairs and scooters by individuals (with a disability) who require mobility devices or aids.
    • A permit does not grant the permit holder with any property rights to park property, including, but not limited to, possessory rights and the right to restrict access and use of any member of the general public on park property.
    • Amplified sound/music of any type is prohibited.
  • All cancellations must be submitted in writing to the DOPR at

Pavilion Application Instructions

Step 1.Applicants are required to complete all sections of this application.  All proposed activities and events are subject to the approval of the County of Kaua‘i - DOPR.  DOPR will return the application if it is incomplete.  

Step 2.Submittal of an Application does not grant a permit or confirmation to conduct the event. 

Step 3.Please allow 2-3 business days for staff to respond.

Step 4.All applications are subject to review and are to be submitted at least 15 days prior to event date.

Step 5.During this time, applications are only being accepted up to 6 months before the event.

Step 6.If you have any questions, please call (808) 241-4463 or email

Should you require additional assistance or have no access to a computer/internet, in-person assistance is available at the Līhu‘e Civic Center, Moikeha Building at 4444 Rice Street, Suite 150, Līhu‘e, Hawai‘i  96766, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays).

Requirements for in-person assistance:

  • Two individuals per party allowed at a time
  • Present a government-issued ID with photo

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