Hawaii Bottle Bill


Reminder: Bottle Caps Not Accepted for HI5 Redemption

The Public Works Solid Waste Division would like to remind the public that bottle caps are not accepted at HI5 redemption centers or in the Kaua‘i Recycles green drop bins. Printed phrases like “Recycle bottle with cap on” should be ignored. 

For more information on the HI5 Program please visit HI5 or call 808-241-4337 or 241-4990.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Kauai HI5 Recycling

The County of Kauai has a 43% Waste Diversion Rate meaning that over 60,000 tons of material does not enter our landfill via County or commercially operated waste diversion programs.

One of the most effective waste diversion programs available in Hawaii is the HI5 Bottle Redemption program with a redemption rate of over 60%. Hawai‘i is one out of just ten states that have a “Bottle Bill” program that allows consumers to return their bottles and cans for a return of their deposit beverage fee which is 5 cents in Hawai‘i, but varies from State to State.

While the HI5 program is seen as a huge success in terms of acceptance, benefits, waste reduction and conservation of resources there are concerns about where our recycling goes and what happens when it gets there.

Honolulu Civil Beat’s Claire Caulfield’s article “Where in the World Do We Send Our Recycling?” linked below goes over some of these concerns as well as discussing issues like why we don’t have our own recycling facility here in the islands and how does China's shutdown of their markets affect our recycling. We encourage the public to review this article to find out more about how Hawaii operates in this global marketplace.



Table of Contents

What is the holiday schedule for redemption centers?
Why is it good for Kauaʻi?
What containers can be redeemed?
How do I prepare the containers for redemption?
How do I get paid?


Recycling Facility Map

County Recycling Facility map

Please arrive a minimum of 30 minutes before lunch and closing

Name Address Phone Days / Hours of Operation Closed for lunch
KCRS Kilauea 5-2723 Kūhiʻō Hwy. Kilauea (behind Kauaʻi Mini-Golf) 645-1676 Tuesday & Friday
8am – 4pm
KCRS Kapaa 962 Kipuni Way (next to Gather FCU in Arzadon Industrial Center) 645-1676 Tuesday-Friday
*Closed on Mondays
Reynolds Recycling Kauaʻi Resource Center
3460 Ahukini Road(Near Airport)
Kauai: 808-245-7233
Oahu: (808) 487-2802
Monday through Saturday
9am - 5pm
*Closed on Sundays
12 - 1:30pm
***KCRS Koloa 2810 Poiʻpu Road (Next to Koloa Fire Station) 645-1676 Thursday & Sunday
8am – 4pm
KCRS Kekaha Kekaha Road across the Old Sugar Mill 645-1676 Wednesday & Saturday
8am - 4pm
*Does not accept commercial and large loads

Click Here for a Printable List of HI5 Locations(PDF, 299KB)

On Kauaʻi, retailers are not required to operate redemption centers at their stores. There are five (5) redemption centers currently operating throughout Kauaʻi. Redemption centers are operated by private recyclers.

For more information please visit their websites:



Please arrive a minimum of 30 minutes before lunch and closing.

Want to donate your HI5 material? Check out our Donate HI5 to Schools and Nonprofits page for a list of schools and nonprofits who accept HI5 donations.

Click here to print HI5 Recycling signs.

What is the holiday schedule for redemption centers?

HOLIDAYS 2025 Reynold's Recycling
Kauai Resource Center location
(Kauai Community Recycling Services)
New Year's Day
(1/1/25, Wednesday)


Kapaa and Kekaha

Dr. ML King Day
(1/20/25, Monday)
Holiday Closed
President's Day
(2/17/25, Monday)
Holiday Closed
Prince Kūhiʻō Day
(3/26/25, Wednesday)
Good Friday
(4/18/25, Friday)
Easter Sunday



Memorial Day
(5/26/25, Monday)
Holiday Closed
King Kamehameha Day
(6/11/25, Wednesday)
Independence Day
(7/4/25, Friday)


Kapaa, Kilauea

Statehood Day
(8/15/25, Friday)
Labor Day
(9/1/25, Monday)
Holiday Closed
Veteran's Day
(11/11/25, Tuesday)
(11/27/25, Thursday)


Kapaʻa and Koloa

Christmas Day
(12/25/25, Thursday)


Kapaa and Koloa


Why the HI5 Bottle Bill is good for Kauaʻi

  • Increased the Statewide redemption rate of aluminum, plastic, and glass beverage containers to nearly 70%
  • Reduces litter in our parks and beaches
  • Provides fundraising opportunities for community organizations and schools
  • Initiated overall new recycling habits

Here's how the Bottle Bill works: 4 easy steps

  1. A 5¢ deposit per beverage container is charged on the purchase of GLASS, ALUMINUM, PLASTIC (types #1 and #2) and BI-METAL containers defined under the Law.
  2. A 1¢ non-refundable container fee is also assessed to support the costs of recycling and program administration.
  3. Deposit containers are marked with a label that reads "Hawaiʻi 5¢" or "HI 5¢".
  4. You return HI5 beverages and receive payment based upon the weight or hand count (200 or less) of your beverage containers.

What's In:

Size: 2-liter (68 oz) or smaller

Drink: Water, juice, soda, tea, coffee, beer, malt beverages, mixed spirits (<15% alcohol), some mixed wine (<7% alcohol) and alcohol free wines, drink mixers, and sports drinks.

Material Type: glass, plastic (#1 & #2), aluminum, and bi-metal

Labeled: HI 5¢, HAWAII 5¢, Hawaii 5¢

What's Out:

Size: larger than 68 fluid ounces ( larger than 2-liter or gallon jugs)

Drink: wine, spirits and liquor (15% or more alcohol content), milk, spirits, concentrates, medical food, infant formula, and syrups.

How to Prepare HI5 Containers:

Empty containers - No liquid, food, trash or other contaminants
Remove Caps From all bottles

Crushing - Aluminum and plastic may be crushed.
Sort by material type - Plastic, glass, aluminum and bi-metal ~ Plastic can also be separated into small (17 oz or less) and large (18 oz -68 oz) to take advantage of a small plastics rate.

Commercial Loads - Accepted at all CRC centers except Koloa.
Hand Counts Up to 200 can be counted at a time. Over 200 can be counted at the discretion of the redemption center staff. Customer hand counts will not be accepted.

How you're paid:

Segregated rates effective as of December 2010

  • Materials will be weighed and paid at the following State regulated rates:
    • Aluminum: 32 units per lb. = $1.60 per lb.
    • Plastic (mixed sizes): 18.8 units per lb. = $0.94 per lb.
    • Plastic (17 oz. or less, sorted): 26.3 units per lb. = $1.315 per lb.
    • Glass: 2.4 units per lb. = $0.12 per lb
    • Bi-metal cans: 5.9 units per lb.=$0.295 per lb.

For more information on the Bottle Bill, visit hi5, or contact the Kaua'i County Recycling Office at 241-4337 or 241-4990 or the State Department of Health Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch at (808) 586-4226.

Hawaii Bottle Bill FAQs

How will the Bottle Bill positively affect Kauai?

  • Increase Recycling -- There is an estimated 900 million beverage containers sold in Hawaii annually. Our current redemption rate is approximately 70% up from an initial rate of 20% . Other States around the Country with similar deposit systems achieve 80% recovery on average, which is greater than curbside systems (50%) and far greater than voluntary drop-off (20%). Hawaii State law established a goal to recycle 50% of the waste stream by 2000; the HI5 program is a big component of this goal.
  • Reduce Litter -- Approximately 75,000 beverage containers are thrown into the trash or littered every hour in the State.

How do I get a refund for my HI 5 deposit beverage containers?

The deposit is refunded when you take your empty beverage containers to a redemption center to be recycled.

Will I get a refund for all of my beverage containers?

Redemption centers will only refund a deposit on containers that are:

  • Whole and unbroken
  • Labeled with the "Hawaii 5 cent" or "HI5"
  • Empty and clean. No liquid or foreign matter allowed.

What types of beverage containers may I redeem under the HI 5 program?

The following describes what kinds of containers are redeemable:

  • Beverage - All nonalcoholic drinks (soda, water, juice, tea, coffee), except for milk and dairy products. Some alcoholic beverages such as beer, malt beverages, mixed spirits (less than 15% alcohol volume), and mixed wine (less than 7% alcohol volume). Wine bottles or hard liquor bottles are not accepted under the Law.
  • Container material - Aluminum, bi-metal (juice containers), glass, and plastic. Note: Only plastics #1 and #2 are covered under the Law. Look for the triangle and number symbol on the plastic container.
  • Container size - 68 fluid ounces or less. Note: Gallon size containers are not covered under the Law.

What if my HI 5 beverage containers are not labeled properly?

Because the Law required the labeling of containers as of November 1, 2004, retailers must label every applicable container they sell; however, some retailers may have not labeled a few containers. Please check containers before purchasing to ensure they are labeled correctly.

If you have already purchased containers and they do not have a label, you may take them back to the store and request they give you deposit stickers so that you may redeem your containers at the redemption centers. You may also request that they please make sure all containers they are selling under the Law are properly labeled.

If the container was previously labeled and the label has come loose, the label can be put inside the container (i.e. plastic bottle labels) to be redeemed.

What is the maximum number of containers I may redeem at a redemption center?

There is no maximum; however, it is recommended that individuals manage their loads so that they are smaller, possibly in the range of 300-400 containers. This may mean an increase in frequency that one drops off their materials; however, it will keep the lines moving at a steady pace.

I am paying 6 cents per beverage container and only refunded 5 cents per container. What happens to the extra 1 cent?

Under the current Law there is a 1 cent non-refundable fee that pays for program administration, promotion, and pays recyclers to process and recycle the containers. For example: a 6 pack of beverages will have an additional 36 cents added to cover the deposit and fee. You can get up to 30 cents back when you turn in your containers at a redemption center. Note: As of September 1, 2015 the handling fee was reduced from 1.5 cents. Stores should only be charging a maximum of 6 cents per beverage. Stores have the option of absorbing the 1 cent handling fee.

Do I have to hand count every HI 5 container to receive a refund?

No. Consumers may request for the redemption center operator to hand count the containers if the total number of containers is 200 or less. They may also choose to have the containers weighed. For loads over 200 containers, the operator has the choice to either weigh or hand count the materials. Redemption center operators WILL NOT accept customer counts. Redemption rates per pound are issued by the State Department of Health and is calculated by taking an average on all containers of each material type.

Will I be reimbursed the same dollar amount if I weigh the HI 5 containers versus counting them?

The weight refund is close to the same dollar amount as the hand counted refund. The State of Hawaii has based their weight calculations on the average weight of all sizes of containers. The number of containers per pound calculations are based on the following per material:

  • Plastic – 18.8 containers per pound = .94 ¢ / lb.
  • Small Plastic (17 oz. and less) – 26.3 containers per pound = $ 1.315 / lb.
  • Aluminum – 32 containers per pound = 1.60 / lb.
  • Glass – 2.4 containers per pound = 12¢ / lb.
  • Bi-metal – 5.9 containers per pound = .295 ¢ / lb.

Note: If you have more questions, please call 241-4337.

Which redemption centers accept loads from businesses?

All redemption centers accept commercial loads, except:

  • Kauai Community Recycling Service Koloa location

Can I redeem beverage containers that have lemon slices, drinking straws, or cigarette butts in them?

No. The HI-5 bottle bill requires that all beverage containers being redeemed be free of liquid, trash, and food.

Can I bring my bottle caps in for redemption?

No redemption centers on Kauai accept caps.