Kauai Historic Preservation Review Commission
Historic Preservation Review Commission conducts project reviews and provides recommendations on various aspects of archaeological and building design of historic resources and in-fill development. It also discusses other issues related to the promotion of historic preservation.
The County of Kauai became a Certified Local Government (CLG) under provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. The U.S. Department of Interior-National Park Service via the State Dept. of Land & Nat. Resources administers the CLG program which assists local governments in promoting historic preservation endeavors. To qualify as a CLG, local government preservation activities must include public participation and use of a qualified local review commission (Kauai Historic Preservation Review Commission), survey and inventory of historic resources and participation in State/Federal preservation activities.
The Kauai Historic Preservation Review Commission consists of nine members. Four members are appointed by the Mayor including professionals of special expertise or interest in history, planning, or Hawaiian culture and one at-large. Four members are appointed by the County Council including professionals in archaeology, architecture/architectural history and two at-large. One member is appointed by the Commission. Members are appointed to staggered three year terms.
For more information about the duties and responsibilities of the Historic Preservation Review Commission, please refer to Kauai County Code, Section 8-14.3.
Meeting Time/Location:1:00pm, Meeting Room 2A/2B, 3rd Thursday of each month
For more information on upcoming meetings, please refer to the calendar on the Boards and Commissions home page.
- Kathleen Kikuchi-Samonte, Chair
- Lee Gately, Vice Chair
- Chucky Boy Chock
- Carolyn Larson
- Sandi Quinsaat
- Susan Remoaldo
2025-2-20 KHPRC Agenda(PDF, 138KB) Packet(PDF, 17MB)
2025-1-16 KHPRC Agenda(PDF, 122KB) Packet(PDF, 1MB)
2024-12-05 KHPRC Agenda(PDF, 153KB) Packet(PDF, 69MB)
2024-9-16 KHPRC Agenda(PDF, 9MB) Packet(PDF, 9MB)
2024-5-16 KHPRC Agenda(PDF, 1MB) Packet(PDF, 7MB)
2024-3-21 KHPC Agenda(PDF, 118KB) Packet(PDF, 4MB)
2024-2-15 KHPRC Agenda(PDF, 124KB) Packet(PDF, 18MB)
2024-1-18 KHPRC Agenda(PDF, 140KB) Packet(PDF, 9MB)
2023-11-16 KHPRC Agenda(PDF, 158KB) Packet(PDF, 122MB)
2023-10-19 KHPRC Testimony Less than 24 Hours(PDF, 105KB)
2023-10-19 KHPRC Testimony(PDF, 2MB)
2023-10-19 KHPRC Agenda(PDF, 130KB) Packet(PDF, 10MB)
2023-8-17 KHPRC Testimony(PDF, 305KB)
2023-8-17 KHPRC Agenda(PDF, 113KB) Packet(PDF, 11MB)
2022-11-17 KHPRC Agenda Packet(PDF, 3MB)
2022-10-20 KHPRC Agenda Packet(PDF, 3MB)
2022-10-6 KHPRC Agenda Packet(PDF, 3MB)
2024-12-05 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 323KB)
2024-09-19 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 327KB)
2024-5-16 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 340KB)
2024-2-15 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 296KB)
2024-3-21 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 294KB)
2024-1-18 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 319KB)
2023-8-17 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 296KB)
2023-2-16 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 318KB)
2022-11-17 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 296KB)
2022-10-20 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 351KB)
2022-10-6 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 383KB)
2022-6-16 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 318KB)
2022-4-21 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 357KB)
2022-3-17 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 328KB)
2022-2-17 KHPRC Minutes(PDF, 396KB)
2022-1-27 KHPRC Minutes (PDF, 310KB)
Browse & search archived Historic Preservation Commission documents, including agendas, meeting minutes, and more
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Contact Information
Kauai Historic Preservation Review Commission
c/o County of Kauai Planning Department
4444 Rice Street, Suite A473
Līhu'e, Kauai 96766
Phone: (808) 241-4050
Email: planningdepartment@kauai.gov