Disaster Recovery and Mitigation Program

County of Kauai Disaster Recovery and Mitigation Grants

On June 6, 2019, The Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act, 2019 (Public Law 116-20) appropriated Disaster Recovery Funds to jurisdictions where a Presidentially declared disaster occurred in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

On January 27, 2020, a Federal Register Notice was published announcing a $9,176,000 allocation of Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds to the County of Kauai in response to the flooding disaster of 2018.

On January 6, 2021, a Federal Register Notice was published announcing a $585,000 allocation of CDBG-MIT funds to the County of Kauai.

April 2018 Disaster Details

Please visit the Kauai Emergency Management Agency website for additional information regarding the April 2018 Disaster involving National Record Rainfall, Flooding and Landslides.

Preparing for an Emergency or a Disaster

Kauai Emergency Management Agency provides information on preparing for an emergency as well as preparing for a natural disaster such as a flood, hurricane or tsunami with guidance on evacuation. Kauai Emergency Management Agency also developed and regularly updates the County of Kauai Multi-Hazard Mitigation and Resilience Plan(PDF, 32MB).

Questions or Comments about the CBDG-DR and CDBG-MIT Grant Programs

All inquiries will be responded to within 15 working days.

Email: disasterrecovery@Kauai.gov

Call: (808) 241-4444 and ask to speak to the Disaster Recovery Coordinator

Mail: Kauai County Housing Agency | 4444 Rice Street | Suite 330 | Lihue | Kauai | Hawaii | 96766

Visit: the Housing Agency Mon-Fri from 9am-3pm at: 4444 Rice Street | Suite 330 | Lihue | Kauai | Hawaii | 96766

Action Plan for Disaster Recovery

Title Description
Action Plan for Disaster Mitigation(PDF, 2MB) The Action Plan for Disaster Mitigation covers grant requirements and KCHA's intended use of a $585,000 Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Mitigation allocated to the County of Kauai in response to the 2018 flooding disaster.
Action Plan for Disaster Recovery(PDF, 8MB) The Action Plan for Disaster Recovery covers grant requirements and KCHA's intended use of a $9,176,000 Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery allocated to the County of Kauai in response to the 2018 flooding disaster.

Quarterly Performance Reports

Quarterly Performance Report - 1st Quarter 2021(PDF, 71KB)
Quarterly Performance Report - 2nd Quarter 2021(PDF, 71KB)
Quarterly Performance Report - 3rd Quarter 2021(PDF, 70KB)
Quarterly Performance Report - 4th Quarter 2021(PDF, 76KB)

Quarterly Performance Report - 1st Quarter 2022(PDF, 77KB)
Quarterly Performance Report - 2nd Quarter 2022(PDF, 76KB)
Quarterly Performance Report - 3rd Quarter 2022(PDF, 101KB)
Quarterly Performance Report - 4th Quarter 2022(PDF, 81KB)



KCHA org chart web page